The Hologram

Feminist, Peer-To-Peer Health for a Post-Pandemic Future

Brossura, 144 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 06 Gennaio 2020 da Pluto Press.

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3 stelle (2 recensioni)

In an era when capitalism leaves so many to suffer and to die, with neoliberal 'self-care' offering little more than a bandaid, how can we take health and care back into our hands? In The Hologram, Cassie Thornton puts forward a bold vision for revolutionary care: a viral, peer-to-peer feminist health network. The premise is simple: three people – a 'triangle' – meet on a regular basis, digitally or in person, to focus on the physical, mental and social health of a fourth – the 'hologram'. The hologram, in turn, teaches their caregivers how to give and also receive care; each member of their triangle becomes a hologram for another, different triangle, and so the system expands.

Drawing on radical models developed in the Greek solidarity clinics during a decade of crisis, and directly engaging with discussions around mutual aid and the coronavirus pandemic, The Hologram develops the skills …

1 edizione

ha recensito The Hologram di Cassie Thornton

Slight, fix-up documentation of a neat art project

3 stelle

Cobbled-together project documentation for an artwork describing a decentralised, feminist care protocol inspired by solidarity clinics active in crisis-era Greece. Slightly awkward jalopy of different texts, including testimonials from participants, and a fictive future Wikipedia entry. Succeeds in posing a bunch of (interesting) questions, but doesn't offer much in the way of answers.

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3 stelle